Indreni children’s charity is a non-profit organization registered in Ireland, Switzerland and Nepal with partner charities Sahayata in Germany and Friends of Indreni in California. Ram hari Khadka and some the Neplaese staff who run Indreni operations on the ground in Kathmandu have come from similar backgrounds to many of the children now in our care and in turn wish to dedicate their lives to helping others. They themselves are a shining example of how children can come through an organization like Indreni and positively effect change in their society. Their example is far reaching and has inspired a group of Individuals across the globe to help them help the children and grow Indreni to help as many children as possible in their quest to improve their society for the good of all.

  • Indreni take a highly personal approach to the children and families we serve, even when that takes more time and energy.
  • Indreniemphasize the development of personal and social responsibility in the children we support.
  • Indrenisupport only children who have no other opportunity for education or a better life.
  • Indreni deeply admire and respect Nepalese culture and society, and strive to promote them in the children.
  • Indreni protect and promote the family unit wherever possible.
  • Indreni serve Nepalese children and hire staff without regard to caste, religion, disability, ethnicity, or political affiliation. We actively foster tolerance and diversity.